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Lawsuit Against Dominos Moves Forward

The US District Court has ruled Plaintiff’s may move forward with allegations of violations of The Fair Credit Reporting Act, claiming Domino’s Pizza, LLC violated the law.

In a long opinion, the court claims 2 specific violations; 1. Domino’s violated The FCRA by not providing their applicants with proper, written authorization and 2; failing to provide employees with copies of their background checks, prior to taking adverse action.

What makes this even worse for Dominos? The court also ruled that these violations are “willful” in nature. Dominos argues this point and states the way the laws are written, it is unreasonable to believe in every instance to follow these guidelines. The court, disagreed.

Kai Richter, the Plaintiff’s Attorney, “We are pleased with the Court’s ruling and eager to move forward with our claims.”Richter went on to explain how the FCRA is important and in order to protect consumers and applicants, it must be followed.

Reputable pre-employment screening and consultant firms, such as Employers Investigative Services, provides copies of disclosure forms, as well as free Pre-Adverse and Adverse Action letters and services.

“When we are talking about the highly litigious world of Pre-Employment Screening, the term ‘Best Practices’ gets thrown around a lot,” says Dusty Lefdal of Employers Investigative Services, a Northern California Based Pre-Employment Screening and Consultant Firm. “We have had great success with simply helping to educate our clients on the law and compliance, and not make a dime from it. It’s easier and cheaper for us to take a few minutes to explain it to our client, than it is for us to stand alongside of them in court.”

For more information on this article or to have Employers Investigative Services take a free look at your pre-employment process, contact them at 866-350-5638 or visit

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